IBRAF at a Glance

1) What is IBRAF? 

- Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities Forum (IBRAF) is a Forum which endeavors to meet the need for increasing co-operation among Islamic Countries Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities against the backdrop of digitalization and convergence.


2) What are the functions and the objectives of IBRAF?

 - To promote dialogue and cooperation between broadcasting regulatory authorities;

- To provide a forum for exchange of information, views and experiences about common topics of broadcasting;

- To provide a forum for discussion in a wide variety of audiovisual matters, such as cultural affairs, protection of children and youngsters, rising Islamophobia, etc.


3) When was the IBRAF founded? 

- The Kick-off Meeting was carried out on 17-18 November 2011 in Istanbul-Turkey, which declared the foundation of IBRAF by issuing the Joint Declaration.

- IBRAF became a legal entity with Resolution 11/9-INF on the establishment of OIC Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities Forum adopted by the 9th session of the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers (ICIM) held in Libreville-Gabon from 17-20 April 2012.

- IBRAF Charter was adopted at the second founding meeting held on 2-3 October 2012 in Jeddah

- In accordance with the IBRAF Charter and the Decision of Radio and Television Supreme Council dated 06 February 2013 and numbered 8; Assoc. Prof. Hamit ERSOY, member of the Supreme Council, is appointed to the position of IBRAF Executive Secretary.

- IBRAF membership in the OIC as an Affiliate Institution is endorsed during the 40th CFM held in Conakry, Republic of Guinea on 9-11 December 2013.


4) Who are the Members? 

- IBRAF is open to any national broadcasting regulatory authority or governmental body with similar functions in OIC Member States wishing to become member taking into account the provisions of the present Charter.